Saturday, December 19, 2015

Just a Quick Update...

Hello everyone, just wanted to offer a quick update regarding, "Decoded." I am currently still producing content in the background but am changing up the format a tad bit to make it easier to digest. What I mean by this is I've never been a fan of the numbering scale of reviews. In our age, an 8 and 9 are subject to the reviewers own expectation of what that number represents, while a feeling of how to view the content is a l ittle more my style.

I've also been piloting a podcast over the last couple of weeks, due to audio issues it has prevented me from uploading it but I'm hoping to have the pilot episode up within in the week detailing thoughts on the new Star Wars and a few other happenings in the gaming/movie hemisphere. The next Decoded is expected to be released before the end of the year and will be about Jon Bellion's 2014 effort, "The Defintion" which I cannot wait to share with you all.

As always I appreciation your patience as we attempt to try new things out on the channel and can't wait to show you what 2016 has in store for the Decoded channel!
-Keith Legion

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