Sunday, December 27, 2015

Going into 2016 Update (Thanks to All)

Hey Everyone, with the year wrapping up I just wanted to offer a big thank you to all of you that have supported this show since it's inception. I know the updates can come pretty infrequently (sometimes 6-9 months between them) but I cannot thank you enough for those of that have continued to request my opinion on music and other sources of media. While this started simply as a place for me to escape and vent out life in the aftermath of a tragedy, it has grown into something I'm truly proud to be apart of.

I wanted to go ahead and let you all know that more updates are going to be happen into the next year as we have officially launched the Decoded Podcast which should hopefully help hold people over in between reviews as my commitment is quality over quantity for all of you. It is due to this that I would also like to make you aware I am removing the numbering system of reviews as I feel a number does not fully encapsulate what a piece of media represents. Your 7 is different from my 7 which is different than another site's 7 so from here on out, unless I feel compelled by some unknown force, I will be breaking it down into the following:

-Love it/Memorize it: Pretty self explanatory, it's a piece of media that deserves multiple listens/watches/plays as you can gather a new piece of insight each time. Would be my highest honor.

-Buy it: Pretty cut and dry as well. Many of you may be familiar with this term as I use it for the stand-out track on the album and will continue to do so in the future. (remember the tri-break down is only for major releases, Independent Closet showcase does a different breakdown)

-Hear it/Watch It: More of the middle-ground, a piece of content that should be experienced by those who are intrigued by the given premise, singles, or even artwork.

Burn it: This goes to the content that is so insulting that it frustrates you to every piece of your core (Temper, Temper anyone?). Resigned for those pieces of media that either offend from a prior interaction or simply do not care enough to try.

Ignore it: The lowest rating I can give. This rating is for something so bad one cannot even muscle up the strength to hate it, one should simply act like it never existed and the world will be a better place.

So yea that's what we're looking at for the ongoing future. I'm hoping to have my next Decoded Episode up either on the 31st of December or the first Thursday of the new year depending upon holiday and life. Once again, I'd like to thank you all for being apart of this and we're just getting started. This is Keith Legion, signing out.

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