Starting off our list is the incredible follow-up to the 2010 album Skeletons which saw a return to form for a band that has seen a great deal of change since its inception. While Zero is not the same type of screamo-pop/punk sound that made the band famous in The Silence in Black and White, it is an amazing concept album. The concept is a dystopian future (as always) where a collective known as the CALM (Coalition for Alternate Living Methods) reigns over the human population and a resistance faction known as ZERO must fight to overthrow them. Without giving away too much of the story, it is a nice encasement on the album's more punk-pop sound which shows a great evolution in songwriting within the band. Notable songs include: Darkside, Spark, Zero, Hollow Hearts Unite, and Golden Parachutes.NUMBER 4: LITTLE MIND ALIKE by TWICEYOUNG
Now, I have already covered the album in full on my "Independent Closet" review located here, so feel free to check that out for the full rundown of the tracks. But, in short the album is quite the juxtaposition to what is currently offered within the realm of pop music. I myself am a sucker for any Keane-esque music that allows me to relax while offering something new to pick out with every listen. From its ambient musical score to lead singer Tyler Laspopoulos' great imaginative lyrics it is an album that I highly recommend giving a listen to. Notable tracks include: Oceans, Acacia, We Knew Her at Once, and Way Down.
So I was not a huge fan of The Airborne Toxic Event until this year when a friend convinced me to give them a fair shot and am I glad I did. The follow-up album to the utterly amazing All At Once, Such Hot Blood does not fully live up to the addicting level of intensity of the prior but still offers a great sounding album with much to take away from. The only single to chart "Timeless" has a great chorus and leading verses but is by no means the greatest song on the album and I highly recommend taking a listen to this more refined, slower tempo sound from the band. Notable tracks include: The Secret, Timeless, Safe, This Is London, and Elizabeth.NUMBER 2: BATTLE SCARS by PARADISE FEARS

Another album that was covered here on "Independent Closet" so I'll be quick on my examination of this album. The album itself is essentially 8 songs of pure pop music awesomeness. It is the album to listen to if you want to be pumped up even doing the most mundane tasks in human existence. From the opening poem this album launches in full force taking no prisoners but allowing breathing room that the slower songs do not feel out of place. Notable tracks include: Battle Scars, What Are You Waiting For, Fought For Me, and Used.

So that would seem to be it for 2013 we may do one or two more lists or a D3C0D3D review before it ends but for now it seems that 2013's chapter in music has closed. Can 2014 bring the same amount, if not more, of the quality music 2013 has offered us? Well it looks to be shaping up well with U2, Foo Fighters, and Jay-Z all expected to release new albums. Have a safe holiday season everyone and see you in 2014!
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All of the albums shown are available on iTunes and Spotify for your listening pleasure.
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